Smile Politely

This video of WEFT from the 90s is a sweet time warp

WEFT Community Radio Facebook

WEFT 90.1FM, located in Downtown Champaign, has been on the air since 1981, putting forth their version of community-driven radio covering a wide variety of genres and voices. I recently posted about the origin story of WEFT, and you know we love nostalgia here at Smile Politely, so here comes another dose of it. Watch the video below which features a bunch of airshifters and members of WEFT from the 1990s, uploaded by Jeff Machota. They talk about what WEFT means to them, what sort of music they play on their respective program, and more.

WEFT was recently awarded Hometown Media Award by Alliance for Community Media Foundation, and they’re also looking for volunteers, in case you’re interested in getting involved with this community radio station that’s evolving one day at a time.

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