Smile Politely

Thank you, so much, for your support

Logo with a red semicircle against a black background.

We are nearing the end of our first donation campaign, and to say we are thrilled and grateful would be an understatement.

More than 140 of you have chipped in, and that’s amazing. We honestly didn’t really know what to expect. We think this work is important, and it’s reassuring to know that you do too.

Today is the last day to contribute and take us up on our offer of a $50 Maize gift card for a donation of $100 or more, donated all at once or spread out monthly. After today the little donate button will still be up at the top of the home page, but we’ll put the incentive to rest for a bit.

Thank you for your support and your readership. It really means a lot. We’re excited to see what the future holds for SP.

To stay informed about the important happenings in C-U, Sign up for our weekly digest.

To help us continue to grow Smile Politely as a community resource, consider donating to our work. You could get some free tacos!

To add your voice to the SP mix, ask us about writing for the magazine.

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