Smile Politely

BeeBlitz celebrating tenth anniversary on Saturday

A pollinator bee is in the middle of a large, yellow flower.

It is National Pollinator Week, and to wrap things up, the tenth annual BeeBlitz is taking place at the Pollinatarium and Meadowbrook Park. I was looking back at some of the posts we’d done in year’s past, uncovering a SPlog about the inaugural BeeBlitz which I thought was pretty fun to see after all of these years. This Saturday, June 22nd from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the U of I Department of Entomology and the Office of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education will be hosting their event, and here’s what you can expect:

You can go out spotting on your own any time or join us for these in-person events. Attend as little or as much as you like; these events are free and open to the public!

9:00AM – 10:15AM @ the Pollinatarium: We’ll start off by venturing into the fields surrounding the Pollinatarium to photograph honey & bumble bees.

10:30AM – 11:45AM @ Meadowbrook Park: Join us for an excursion to Meadowbrook’s Sensory and Herb Gardens, where we always find plenty of busy bees to photograph.

12:00PM – 1:30PM @ the Pollinatarium: Meet us back at the Pollinatarium for a water break in the air conditioning, to spot some more bees, and to upload our photos to BeeSpotter in the air-conditioned comfort of the Pollinatarium, where you can learn more about all sorts of pollinators.

Bring your camera or phone and get ready to spot some bees!

Executive Editor

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