Smile Politely

Smile Politely

array(5) { [0]=> int(218352) [1]=> int(218453) [2]=> int(218346) [3]=> int(218414) [4]=> int(218137) }
array(8) { [0]=> int(218352) [1]=> int(218453) [2]=> int(218346) [3]=> int(218414) [4]=> int(218137) [5]=> int(218402) [6]=> int(218389) [7]=> int(218381) }

San Maru’s chicken wings are my love language

The chicken wings at San Maru are my love language. They're delicious frickin' chicken wings. Under a zingy teriyaki sauce, the bone-in wings have a satisfyingly crunchy batter around tender fried chicken that easily slides off the bones. Every bite…

Array ( [0] => 218352 [1] => 218453 [2] => 218346 [3] => 218414 [4] => 218137 [5] => 218402 [6] => 218389 [7] => 218381 [8] => 218371 [9] => 218369 [10] => 218355 [11] => 218282 [12] => 218231 )