Smile Politely

Three questions with Nathan Graham

A man is seated on the doorstep of a house, basking in the golden hues of the sunlight that dapple the facade. He wears a black outfit complemented by a wide-brimmed hat, which adds a touch of timeless style to his appearance. The house behind him features a traditional door flanked by sidelights and a transom window, through which the shadows of tree branches are projected, creating a serene, natural pattern. The house's cream-colored exterior and classic blue trim offer a cozy, welcoming vibe, while the man's relaxed pose and thoughtful expression suggest a moment of reflection.
Nathan Graham on Facebook

The Prairie Rivers Network is hosting a “Save Our Trees” benefit concert at Rose Bowl Tavern featuring Chicago’s Nathan Graham, known for his soul-stirring fusion of South Side blues and Nashville Americana, alongside the local charm of Merry Travelers. Taking place this Friday, April 26th, the event promises a night of heartfelt melodies and poignant lyrics, with all proceeds supporting efforts against the damaging impacts of herbicide pollution on Illinois’ arboreal landscapes. As the melodies begin to resonate at 8:30 p.m., attendees are not only in for an exceptional musical experience but also an opportunity to contribute to a vital cause. Thanks to Nathan for fielding our ridiculous questions.

Learn more about Nathan Graham on his Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify or his website.

Smile Politely: If you had to perform a duet with a cartoon character, who would it be, what song would you sing and why?

Nathan Graham: I would have to go with Steve Smith from American Dad he has an amazing voice and we could do ” Can We Talk” By Tevin Campbell. Steve has the high harmonies and I can take the low ones

SP: Which do you think would be harder: teaching a cat to bark or convincing your fans that your next album will be entirely polka music?

Graham: I think teaching a cat to bark would be harder, cats don’t listen to anyone really and I would be down to do a polka album in my rocking chair years.

SP: Imagine you’re on a road trip with three of your songs— which one drives, which one handles the snacks, and which one keeps asking if we’re there yet?

Graham: “ I’ll Get It Right” would drive, “Right One” handles the snacks, and “Pride” keeps asking are we there yet.

Prairie Rivers Network “Save Our Trees” featuring Nathan Graham with Merry Travelers
Rose Bowl Tavern
106 N Race St
Urbana, IL
F Apr 26th, 8:30 p.m.
$15 to $20

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